Zhanna Zavyalova, аuthor of meditations, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, coach, business trainer, author of several books and games for both business and personal training, an entrepreneur
I always wondered what the meaning of life is, why we live, and what we can do in this world. I was wondering why some people are rich and others are poor. Why do some get sick, while others have good health, why some realize their dreams, while others do not. Once I played the ancient Indian game "Leela", thanks to which I realized my life path and I chose my own meaning of life. It was to increase their own awareness and help others to increase their awareness. And to increase the amount of harmony in this world. I was very glad that there is a game through which you can get an answer to any deepest question about who we are.
Then I watched the "Leela" players for years and saw that not all people understand the messages of the ancient game. Then I redid it into the language of modern world, into the language of Business. It turned out a completely new game, which I called "Causal Intelligence", I printed it in a typography and began to teach game technicians how to handle it. But the process of disseminating knowledge that we ourselves can choose what state to live in, that happiness and success is within us, and we can simply create our own destiny and realize dreams and destiny without torment and struggle through Attention Management and helping Texts, this process was slow. The game was not for everyone. Only for the elite. Not everyone was interested.
7 years have passed, and I met with Vladimir, who proposed to make a mobile application together and come to each person through the phone without intermediaries. I was delighted and started to work. So, the game was redone in a series of meditations and unique recipes for 27 goals. And now you can download the Flow app. This is your assistant for self-regulation and training your brain to be happy, successful and realized in life.
Vladimir Fedorets, businessman
How has Causal Intelligence and the Flow: mindfulness meditation & happiness project changed my life?
I remember my acquaintance with causal intelligence as if it were yesterday, partly because it was a turning point in my life. I just turned 33 years old, and I was overwhelmed with depression. I saw the world in negative colors and wanted to be completely alone. In addition, I was about to have an operation. It wasn’t fun at all ...
During one of my family conversations, I lost my balance and ran into the car in anger. When asked where I was going, I replied that I was going to the hospital. Pressing the gas, I continued to hold it. The car was gaining high speed. I hated myself so much at that moment, my cowardice, that I wanted to die. I did not accept myself like that! I saw how far I am from the ideal, how far from the ideal my whole life was, and it was unbearable. Hormones seethed in my body, and my mind went through all the negative conditions that it is possible to experience greed, envy, jealousy, selfishness and sadness. Finally, I felt total emptiness inside, I was tired, I was exhausted and asked for help! And I got it! I received e-mail notification about the upcoming Causal Intelligence game.
I immediately remembered that this is a game that transforms consciousness, and there you can find a solution to difficult life situations! I signed up and came to the game. From the first minutes it was very interesting, it turned out to be the oldest game, it was for several millennia and our ancestors taught the lives of their children through it. The game itself leads you and shows your weaknesses, whether you want it or not. I was constantly lowered to level Greed, I did not understand why, I was advised to read the description of Greed more closely to understand its true meaning.
And then it dawned on me, yes, I am greedy, an inner feeling of dissatisfaction, distrust of the world and the desire for accumulation haunted me constantly. But it was always unsaturated, even when I had everything. Yes, I admitted and accepted myself as such. I felt my consciousness expand and the game quickly led me to the Cosmic Consciousness, where I saw the splendor of life as it is. I returned home happy, feeling boundless love for my family. In this state, I felt my whole life beautiful! I could not sleep all night, insights and revelations came to me one by one. I realized that as many people as possible should learn about this game in order to get out of their usual problems and finally be happy! That night I wrote to Zhanna: “Zhanna, Causal Intelligence is ingenious, the whole world should know about this game, let's make an application!”
And now a year and a half has passed since that day, our Flow: mindfulness meditation & happiness project appeared, and you can immerse yourself in this beautiful world with us!