What does the brain like?
1. The specific goal. As soon as you formulate for yourself a specific goal, task, miracles will immediately begin. Means, opportunities and time will be found for its implementation.
And if, having set the main goal, you will be able to break it down into its components, and calmly, gradually, constantly, step by step you will fulfill them, not a single problem will stand before you.
2. Positive emotions. Emotions are short-term subjective reactions of a person to the world around us (joy, anger, shame, etc.). Feelings are a stable emotional attitude towards other people, phenomena. Feelings are associated with consciousness and can develop and improve.
Emotions can be exciting - increasing human activity, and depressing - that is, suppressing life processes. Positive emotions prompt a person to act. They arise with satisfaction. Start looking for the simple joys of life and stimulation begins in the brain, the release of large doses of endorphins, hormones of pleasure, which means positive emotions that excite and enhance your life activity, and allow you to calmly flow through thought processes, give rise to a good mood and positive mood for the world. It is human nature to seek joy, this is an instinct for self-preservation.
3. Movement and fresh air. In the fresh air blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, carries oxygen and nutrition to the brain cells faster, oxidation and metabolism are enhanced, the energy we need is released, new biochemical compounds are born. The brain makes us move in order to save itself and us. Give pleasure to think, create, solve complex problems, have memories.
When there is no movement of fresh air, blood acidifies and brains are “sour”.
4. Simple food in moderation. Simple food is easier to obtain, cook, and digest. The brain says (if you want to hear it): buddy, 50% of all the energy received by the body is spent on vision, 40% on the digestion and disinfection of food toxins, and only 10% is on movement, the work of the mental and nervous systems, the fight against billions microbes. If you eat all the time, when will we think ?!
It is useful to eat soups, they improve digestion, metabolism, fill the stomach faster, which gives a feeling of fullness with a smaller amount of food.
5. Sleep and rest. The brain, like the entire human body, needs rest. With physical exertion, rest is a mental occupation, with an intellectual one rest is physical exercises. When there is a moral fatigue the best rest is changing of place.
A full rest is a sleeping. Dream is the most mysterious state of a person; a person cannot live without sleep, although sleep is called a "small death."
In a dream consciousness is turned off, but a person continues to think. His thinking changes and obeys other laws. This is because in the dream the subconscious mind comes to the foreground. The brain analyzes what happened over the past day, restructures it in a new way and gives out the most likely outcome. This result may have long been predicted, but consciousness did not accept it, it was driven out into the subconscious and extracted from there in a dream.
It is assumed that the brain can be given an installation for the night: to make a forecast, decision, exit, conclusion or for a simply pleasant dream. Unnecessary impressions, an obsessive state is washed off by the brain’s night protective wave. People who constantly see prophetic dreams are likely good analysts.
6. Addiction. The brain cannot instantly adapt to sharply changed alien circumstances: new living conditions, new work, study, residence, company, food, new people. Enter any activity gradually, calmly, getting used to it. Every day, making the maximum possible, you will achieve the impossible. The habit of learning and working is developed gradually and constantly. Sudden understanding and insight always presuppose knowledge, which may not always be fully conscious.
Often parents, teachers, superiors, loved ones (and we ourselves) not understanding the complexity of addiction, demand from us (and we from others) an instant result. This does not happen. It is better not to wind up, calm down, good-naturedly tell yourself or others - not all at once. And slowly start moving, accelerating as you get used to it.
The brain creates stereotypes (habits, skills, conditioned reflexes). Stereotypical thinking significantly helps to live – there is no need to re-solve standard tasks. Every day performing the same actions, we turn them into a habit, skill, conditioned reflex. You do not need to turn on the brain to salivate when you see a lemon, close the front door, wash dishes, startle from the car's loud beep, click the cross when it is necessary to close the program at PC.
Instinct and a little life experience make us create stereotypes of friends, enemies, lovers. It helps in the “sea of people” to choose someone, assemble your own team and stop, freeing up time and energy for other life goals. Stereotypes help communicate with strangers, get along with parents, educate their children.
7. Freedom. It is limited by the instinct of self-preservation and social rules, useful primarily to us. Freedom is independence from fears and stereotypes. Of course, we need stereotypes in the form of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. We will not burn ourselves, sticking our hands in the fire a second time because it hurts. But if circumstances require to show our contempt for pain and death, we can burn our right hand, as did the Roman military Mucius Scaevola.
Freedom means not being afraid to think in your own way and in a new way; to defend your way of thinking, your life, your appearance, your loved ones. And do not blame the whole world for misunderstanding and not recognizing you and "all that extraordinary" that you have. Let others be different from you, have their own way of thinking, a look at life.
8. Creativity is the ability of the brain, using and relying on the old, to create a new, unique, unlike. Creativity is the favorite work of the brain, making us related to God, making us Gods. Creativity in the form of science studies, describes, explains the world and man, puts forward ideas, finds ways and means of translating them into life, looks to the future and is ready to change it for the better.
Creativity in the form of art, combining work and emotions, reflects reality with artistic images. Art unites people: a writer, sharing his life, feelings, describing other people, shows that we are not alone in our experiences. The artist offers to see how the surroundings can be beautiful or ugly. The musician makes his soul respond to the tuning fork with the sounds of his heart.
Art awakens our imagination, enriches our inner world, helps to see the world in a different way. Art creates ideals.
9. Division, distribution, communication, hugs. Life is a constant division of cells, a constant metabolism and the distribution of information. The work of nerve cells in the brain of neurons is “love.” They constantly “hug”, touching dendrites (processes or “hands”) of each other, constantly transmit energy (nerve impulses) information about everything. It’s harmful not to share, you can’t demand, it’s confusing. We must be friends with our head, we must be friends with people. This is the essence of the brain - it constantly needs to receive information and give it away.
The brain does not like
1. Fear. This is an oppressive, life-suppressing emotion. When we feel fear, the instinct of self-preservation begins to dominate, brain areas, groups of nerve cells cannot be included in mental activity. We lose creative thinking.
We constantly worry about food, about loved ones, about pain (illness, treason, death), about life (war, tsunami, hysterical boss, revolution, dollar rate, meeting with the terminator) - i.e. we are under stress.
How to deal with this:
Pain and death must be despised. Difficulties, if they cannot be avoided, should temper us. In overcoming difficulties, you lose something, but you gain something.
We must nurture courage, pride and stamina.
We must boldly admit to ourselves that problems and troubles are inevitable companions of human life. They are not the first and not the last to be solved.
Believe in yourself and in your bright future, you remove the problem, and not the problem removes you!
Fear is dangerous to mental health and to life. But we need one adaptive form of fear, we need caution.
2. Strong emotions. Strong emotions sharply inhibit the mental ability of the brain. Great joy and great sorrow can temporarily deprive the ability to think. A prolonged stay in this state leads to painful brain helplessness.
Girls, this is for you. When you are “hysterical” (too emotional), your brain goes offline. This made it possible to say, "Women are fools!" But it has already been proven that the female and male brains are equally capable of education, social adaptation, and politics.
Different hormones affect neurology - men often have dyslexia, schizophrenia, autism. And women suffer from anxiety, depression, eating disorders. Therefore, do not impose this state on your men - this literally makes them fools.
Men have logical thinking. They calmly solve the problem. Women, on the contrary, solve the problem through the prism of conflicting emotions. This is their physiology; they cannot do otherwise. Guys, did that bother you too?
There is a solution - help them calm down. It is easy, just say: “hold an ice cream”, “let's have some tea”, “yes, calm down! I will solve your problem, let's go, take a walk, think, "etc. etc. The main idea is to say: "I love you, but we will solve the problem when you calm down." And you will be surprised how a woman will perfectly cope with everything.
The mechanism of emotions is first an understanding of the situation, phenomenon, and then the emergence of emotions. But do we always correctly understand the situation, the other person, if we do not really understand ourselves. First, it’s worth it to calmly sort it out, and only then start to get emotional.
3. Darkness, loneliness. Such conditions include the instinct of self-preservation. Conventional sources of cerebral tone are reduced and the “dark forces” of negative emotions walk more freely through an unprotected brain (an enemy lurks in the dark; a person is a herd creature; he alone is dangerous and scared).
Loneliness is a severe mental condition associated with negative emotions and discomfort. But loneliness will have a beneficial effect on a person if we perceive it as voluntary solitude. Communication deficiency cannot be a disaster if a person has at least someone with contact, understanding. Perhaps in this world you are only a human being, but for someone you are the whole world.
Drop unnecessary stereotypes, give any of your states the correct names that support you, soothe, carry the energy you need.
4. Stereotypes. The brain creates stereotypes, but also starts to get bored when there are too many of it. The brain struggles with stereotypes for self-preservation: "I want to think!" The brain responds to every change in the external and internal environment.
There are people who, having spent some time developing basic life or professional skills (it’s ideal to get all of them in childhood and adolescence), bring them to automatism, can carry them out, allowing the brain to solve more complex or creative tasks at this time (cook - culinary specialist, driver - stunt , draftsman - artist, engineer - inventor, layout designer - designer).
Stereotypes destroy our relationships with people: with friends, with colleagues, with children, parents, lovers, when they behave contrary to our stereotypes. Do not be afraid to abandon old ideas about people. Create new stereotypes based on new data (“do not persist in stupidity!”). Let people change, be different. And calmly and firmly, do not let others impose stereotypes about you, if you do not need it.
Never be afraid, your treasure is with you, your most reliable friend is your brain!
Take care of your treasure, study it, remember, the brain has reserves. You can make the brain work in extreme mode, but the adaptive capabilities will be exhausted. This also explains the overly early and intensive development of children and their subsequent problems with adaptation in society.